Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Package numero dos! Hunter Wellingtons! I have wanted a pair of Hunters for a few years now and as a Brit, they definitely make my ultimate list since they're such a wardrobe staple over there. Apparently the Royal Family has a ridiculously large collection!  They will be perfect for when I visit home at Christmas time as it is very hard to find decent boots to trudge around the snow and sleet in. Any good leather ones just end up getting destroyed by the grit they place on the roads, especially when it gets to that horrible sludgy stage! I would normally buy something like this over there, but they're usually around ₤75 (approx $128 AUD), and I managed to score them on ASOS's 48 hour sale for ₤39.50 (approx $62 AUD) so I just couldn't say no! The way Melbourne weather is going lately, I might just be able to wear them this summer here too!

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